Stephen’s Birthday Cake

Please let me know what kind of cake you would like bro ie: theme, size, type(sponge/fruit (flavour of sponge)).

7 Comments so far »

  1. Stephen said

    am March 1 2009 @ 1:18 pm

    Well mate, it has to be a sponge cake and light . Not keen on heavy sponge cakes or fruit cakes.

    As for a theme, well it has to be Apple  related. Maybe an Aluminium iMac or an iPhone or an  logo ;)

    Surprise me!

    PS. Don’t forget the Sunderland AFC crest for Daniels birthday ;)

  2. admin said

    am March 1 2009 @ 1:54 pm

    As the theme goes, it will be east to make an apple logo, but a lot more work will go into the iPhone. And the iPhone will be so much more impressive;-) iMac will be HARD as I would have to try and find a way to make it stand up:-/

  3. Stephen said

    am March 1 2009 @ 2:05 pm

    hehe I am sure you would be able to make it if you put your mind to it ;)

    Have you seen this

  4. admin said

    am March 1 2009 @ 2:19 pm

    Oh your a tough one to please!!! ;-) looked at link, some good ones but some rubbish as well;-)

  5. admin said

    am March 3 2009 @ 6:50 am

    I think I might need to buy an Airbrush kit to help with your cake. New toys!!! Exciting!!! ;-)

  6. Stephen said

    am March 4 2009 @ 8:36 am

    Sounds Cool!

  7. Stephen said

    am April 19 2009 @ 6:52 am

    You going to upload some photo’s of it now ;)

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